Experiment Videos

Standard Simultaneous Chaining Task (SCT)

  1. X number of different pictures appear on a touch screen.
  2. After all images are touched in a successful order, a pink screen appears and a reinforcer is administered.
  3. The task repeats and the pictures reappear in different locations on the screen.

Tracking Task (TT)

  1. X number of different pictures appear on a touch screen.
  2. Subjects must trace the path between pictures in a specific spatial pattern.
  3. After all images are touched along the correct path, a pink screen appears and a reinforcer is administered.
  4. The task repeats. The individual pictures change, but the positions of the images remain identical.

Spatial Sequencing Task (SST)

  1. X number of different pictures appear on a touch screen.
  2. Subjects must touch pictures in a specific spatial pattern.
  3. After all images are touched in the target order, a pink screen appears and a reinforcer is administered.
  4. The task repeats. The individual pictures change, but the positions of the images remain identical.

Social Feedback Only

  1. X number of different pictures appear on a touch screen.
  2. During demonstration, model touches each item and labels each (e.g. 1, 2, 3…). Procedure is repeated three times.
  3. Images remain in the same spatial location.
  4. During testing, feedback is identical to that in the Standard SCT (see above).

“Ghost Control” – Computer Feedback Only

  1. X number of different pictures appear on a touch screen.
  2. During demonstration, a black border automatically flashes around individual items in the target order.
  3. After all images are highlighted in a successful order, the task repeats and the pictures reappear in different locations on the screen.

Helper Hinderer Eye Tracking Task – Helper Trial

  1. Child observes the social interaction of the Helper pushing the circle up the hill.
  2. During the trial, the child’s gaze location is automatically recorded by the eye tracking monitor.
  3. Child’s social assessment of characters is inferred through analysis of gaze data.

Helper Hinderer Eye Tracking Task – Hinderer Trial

  1. Child observes the social interaction of the Hinderer pushing the circle down the hill.
  2. During the trial, the child’s gaze location is automatically recorded by the eye tracking monitor.
  3. Child’s social assessment of characters is inferred through analysis of gaze data.